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התינוקת מקהילת קורשאן

כחלק מהפעילות שלנו בידידי הג'האלין לקחנו תחת חסותנו תינוקת מקהילת קורשאן, אשר נולדה עם הפרעה נדירה שאפשר לרפא עם פורמולה מיוחדת ויקרה שאין להשיג ברש"פ.


פיתוח תיירות באוהל האירוח של איברהים

תמיכה במיזם התיירות של איברהים אבו דהוק


Lighting Candles of Hope - a Solidarity Event with the Residents of Khan Al Ahmar

"Each of us is a small light, and together we shine bright."


Shepherds Since Time Immemorial – Stopping the Displacement of the Jahalin Tribe Shepherds

Join us in our mission to protect the shepherds and preserve their way of life! Your generous donation will enable us to conduct a comprehensive and professional survey, mapping the grazing areas in the Judean Desert. This crucial step will help ensure the sustainability and continuity of the shepherds' longstanding tradition. Together, we can safeguard their livelihood and the rich cultural heritage they represent.


Distribution of Eyeglasses by Maccabiah Representatives as Part of the "Seeing the Jahalin" Project

We had the honor of hosting the Maccabiah USA hockey team, who participated in distributing eyeglasses to members of the Jahalin tribe.


Solidarity and Hope Event – Supporting the Residents of Khan Al Ahmar

During a memorable evening filled with traditional food, crafts, and heartfelt connections, we united in solidarity to support the residents of Khan Al Ahmar. The evening served as a meaningful platform for fostering togetherness and supporting the Jahalin during these challenging times, as they find themselves in limbo, anxiously awaiting a decision that will determine their future.


"Seeing the Jahalin" Project

Thanks to a collaboration between the Bedouin communities, St. John's Hospital, Friends of the Jahalin, and Maccabi USA, members of the Jahalin tribe received comprehensive eye exams for the first time!


Between Time and Place - a Photography Exhibition in Khan Al Ahmar

Photographer Yaniv Nadav captures the essence of the Jahalin tribe through dozens of photographs taken over a span of 20 years. These captivating images move between time and place, beautifully portraying the members of the tribe and evoking a sense of the transient nature of their lives. Like the images, the Jahalin also navigate through time and place, and now – more than ever – each moment holds the uncertainty of potentially bidding farewell to the place they have called home for decades.


Helping Bedouin Families in Need to Stay Dry During the Winter

To assist 4 impoverished Bedouin families during the winter storms and ensure their homes stayed dry, we established a Paybox group to finance the purchase of firewood and weatherproofing supplies.


Food Distribution to Families of the Jahalin Tribe

Organization of dry food packages, and distribution to 22 families in need.


Traditional Bedouin Cooking Class – Making Stuffed vegetables with Fatma Jahalin

During Hanukkah, Fatma Jahalin hosted a workshop on traditional Bedouin stuffed vegetables and cooking. Participants learned about Bedouin cuisine while getting acquainted with Fatma and her wonderful family. In addition, they contributed to fulfilling Fatma's dream of opening a restaurant for travelers in the Judean Desert.


Lunch at “Janan” – Fatma Jahalin's Restaurant

We had the pleasure of enjoying lunch at Janan restaurant in Khan Al Ahmar, where we met Fatma and her family and took in the beautiful winter desert landscape. Fatma's incredible cooking and warm hospitality always leave a lasting impression!


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"Tents from the inside" event

A heartwarming gathering took place as Jews and Bedouins came together to light Hanukkah candles in Ibrahim's tent, located in Khan al-Ahmar. This beautiful display of unity and celebration showcased our shared values of community and resilience, and the spirit of Hanukkah


Friends of the Jahalin as Friends of the Court

As Friends of the Jahalin, we requested to participate as “friends of the court” (amicus curiae) in a hearing regarding a petition by an extreme right-wing organization that aims to demolish Khan al-Ahmar.


Nasreen's Graduation Celebrations, and Encouraging Education

Nasreen, the daughter of Eid Abu Hamis, the leader of the Jahalin community, recently graduated from high school with honors! To celebrate her achievement and encourage the pursuit of an education among girls and boys of the tribe, Eid hosted a grand and festive feast for the entire community. We were fortunate to be invited to join in the celebration of this exciting event. As a gift, we gave Nasreen a laptop that will aid her in her university studies.


Fundraising to Restore Ahmed Abdullah Jahalin's Hearing

Ahmad Abdullah Jahalin, a 5-year-old boy from the Jahalin tribe, who was born deaf, underwent a cochlear implant surgery this week. This implant will allow him to hear for the first time.


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Food Distribution on Ramadan During the COVID - 19 Epidemic

During the holy month of Ramadan, amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a remarkable food distribution effort took place. Through generous donations, food products worth tens of thousands of Shekels were purchased and collected, an initiative aimed at providing essential sustenance to those in need during a time of fasting and reflection.


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Rebuilding Daoud Suleiman's family tent.

In the winter of 2018, tragedy struck when Suleiman Daoud's tent in Khan Al Ahmar burned down. Thankfully, the family members were rescued, but they lost everything in the fire. Determined to help, the Friends of Jahalin along with the local community swiftly mobilized for their cause, raising 10,000 NIS in donations in just 24 hours! Through a joint effort, a new tent was quickly erected for the family to live in.

Fatma’s Traditional Cooking Class is Back!

Following the success of the previous workshop, Fatma’s stuffed vegetables cooking class is back in high demand!

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