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Nasreen's Graduation Celebrations, and Encouraging Education

Nasreen Abu Hamis, a graduate from Jericho High School, has successfully passed her matriculation exams. She has now embarked on a journey to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher by enrolling in university. Her aspiration is to return to the elementary school in Khan Al Ahmar, where she once studied—a school built of mud and tires.

In the Jahalin communities, many girls and boys do not continue their education beyond high school. Only a privileged few manage to proceed to university, especially among women. Nasreen is set to make history as the first Bat Jahalin student to return to her former school as a teacher after completing her academic studies.

However, to attend university, Nasreen needed a laptop—a basic necessity in most Israeli households but a luxury among the Jahalin community. Yadid Jahalin stepped in and purchased a laptop for her, which she will use during her studies. This act aims to inspire more girls and boys to pursue education, with Nasreen serving as a shining example.

It is actions like these that demonstrate the support the Jahalin community needs from us. Funds raised will contribute towards providing scholarships and educational support, ensuring that girls and boys have the necessary resources and conditions to acquire skills for their future livelihoods.

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