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Fundraising to Restore Ahmed Abdullah Jahalin's Hearing

Ahmad Abdullah Jahalin, a 5-year-old boy from the Jahlin tribe, who was deaf from birth, this week received a cochlear implant in his ear, something that will make him start hearing for the first time. The transplant was conducted, about an extensive activity of donations and collaborations for him initiated by the organization Friends of the Jahlin. Jahlin himself does not speak and communicates only with a smile. Nowadays, it is customary to correct the type of deafness that Ahmed suffers from, already in infancy, by implanting a "cochlear" implant, but in light of the high cost and the difficult financial situation of his family members who live in a tent, this has not been possible until now. It turns out that every month that passes decreases the chance that the transplant will be successful. In a race against the clock, the Friends of Jahalin organization working to find a decent solution for the Jahalin tribe in the Judean desert, rallied to give Ahmed the ability to hear and after eight months of fundraising, efforts with the medical authorities, expectations and disappointments - Ahmed successfully underwent the transplant yesterday. He still has a long way to go, with intensive treatment by a speech therapist, but in two weeks, with the activation of the implant, Ahmed will begin his new steps in the world of sounds.

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