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"Seeing the Jahalin" Project

On March 10, eyesight tests were conducted among the Jahalin communities in the Judean Desert for the first time. Thanks to the collaboration between the communities, St. John's Hospital, Friends of Jahalin, and Maccabi USA, the distribution of glasses to those in need will be financed. St. John's Hospital provided medical teams who volunteered their services, along with additional optometrists summoned for the occasion. They committed to continuing treatment for any eye problems requiring follow-up and further care.

The Jahalin communities organized eye tests at three locations: Abu Hindi, Khan Al Ahmar, and Jabal Baba. Over two hundred tests were conducted among children, women, men, young people, and the elderly. Those requiring glasses were given the opportunity to choose frames suitable for their style, guided by the instructions of the Maccabi USA team.

Upon the completion of this rewarding project, the Jahalin tribe graciously invited volunteers to a delightful picnic near the Nabi Musa Mosque, perched on a cliff overlooking the Dead Sea. It was a memorable experience for all involved.

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